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Choosing the Right Type of Project Management Workflow for You

When creating a project management workflow, it's important to understand the different types of workflows and their features so you can find the best fit for your team. From sequential to iterative and agile workflows, this guide will help you select the right flow for your needs.

Waterfall Project Management

Waterfall project management (or sequential workflow) is a traditional method of managing complex projects. In this workflow, tasks are completed in linear order, working from the beginning of the project to the end.

Best For: A well-defined scope and timeline and want to complete tasks in a certain order.

Cons: Changes to the timeline or scope may be difficult after the project has begun.

Scrum Project Management

Scrum project management (also known as agile workflow) is a popular method for managing complex projects. The workflow involves teams of experts, dynamic scheduling, and increments of work. Each increment, called a sprint, delivers a piece of the project that can be tested, even if the entire project is not complete.

Best For: Continuous feedback from stakeholders, allowing changes to be applied quickly and efficiently as the project progresses.

Kanban Project Management

Kanban project management is a workflow based on the principles of agile software development, specifically Agile Kanban. The Kanban workflow enables teams to break projects down into more manageable tasks and track them in an organized fashion.

Best For: Flexibility and doing more with fewer resources by taking advantage of timeboxing for task delivery. Prioritize tasks based on their importance and any changes to a task can be easily tracked. Easy to identify bottlenecks within the workflow ensuring that critical tasks are handled first.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management is a type of workflow focused on delivering tasks within rapid and continuous cycles. These cycles create an iterative progress loop and allow teams to quickly implement changes and make necessary adjustments.

Best For: Flexible planning, based on the team's capacity and resources.

The agile process promotes collaboration as it requires constant communication between all stakeholders throughout the project to ensure it moves along quickly and efficiently. Additionally, agile methods encourage innovation by allowing teams to continually assess their current project status, so they can quickly identify any potential challenges and find creative solutions.

Adaptive/Iterative Project Management

Adaptive/iterative project management cycles are unique in that they use smaller increments of time to produce tasks. Each iteration ultimately takes into account the outcomes of the previous iteration, making them more adaptive than traditional approaches. This allows teams to assess their goals and regular adjustments as necessary for better performance and quality results.

Best For: Teams who need to make quick decisions under significant pressure, letting them modify the project plan based on results from each iteration, optimizing performance in order to satisfy customer needs as soon as possible.

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